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Picture 4/4
Clear view of an open area in the back of the 1st floor of the Elite Gym. A gym member would use the barbells to perform various exercises. Behind it are an assortment of flags and a mirrors that spans the entire wall. The mirror is used to help the gym member correct his or her posture.

Picture 2/4
A picture of the from the middle of the 1st floor to the back of the Elite Gym. There are several open areas to perform barbell exercises. The door, with an exit sign above it, leads to the backyard.

Picture 1/4
A picture of the front of the Elite Gym. The old “grand opening” sign had been placed there for a few months. The entrance is located on the right of the glass screen.

Pictures 3/4
A picture from the back aimed to the front of the Elite Gym. It shows a variety of equipment and the walkway. When the gym is filled with a moderate number of people, gym members would need to actively avoid each other as they go through the walkway.